The two companies are collaborating to increase the accessibility and ease of use of anonymized driving behavior and road conditions data. This marks an innovation in the space where data discovery and data collaborations have been particularly strenuous and time-consuming.

VIASAT GROUP is a network of interconnected companies that develop innovative technologies with passion and imagination to make people’s lives and the work of companies simpler, more sustainable and safer. The large customer base of VIASAT Group with installed telematic devices in their vehicles means that VIASAT has been aggregating invaluable data from more than 780,000 vehicles driving (fleet, insurance and smart connect). This data contains driving behavior characteristics as understood by acceleration, steering, GPS data and other data, road quality conditions are calculated by the vehicles’ measurements on Unevenness and road friction.
Mobito is collaborating with VIASAT to take the hustle away from accessing and unlocking the value of this data. Interested parties will be able to interact with the relevant Marketplace Listing, review the relevant documentation, assess a data sample, sign the data license and access all information needed to evaluate if the underlying data fits their needs.
“The current mobility model offers ample scope for action to improve efficiency and reduce the costs of pollution, accidents, traffic jams and lack of efficiency of public transport services — costs that are borne by society” said Marco Petrone, CEO of VIASAT Group. “The objective is to create, through the analysis of data, a detailed knowledge of the current state of road mobility. All of this will also allow us to understand the characteristics of mobility and traffic flows. All this information, if properly processed, allows us to assess, based on objective data, the need for interventions to upgrade, improve and strengthen the road networks, and to acquire a methodology of analysis with which to support the planning of targeted interventions in the field of sustainable mobility.”
“The current mobility transformation offers many opportunities for incumbents and challengers to leverage the value of newly generated data and offer smarter and more contextualized services. Vehicles are still at the center of this transformation and making vehicle data available is a big accelerator of data-driven innovation in the context of mobility and smart cities. We are very pleased to partner with VIASAT to harness the data generated from after sale devices and streamline the process of accessing this data to our data partners” George Cambanis, CEO of Mobito.
Integrated data can be used in the following use-cases:
Use case 1: Helping understand which driving behavior leads to accidents
Through the collection of data from a significant sample of cars circulating in Italy (private and commercial vehicles), VEM Solutions provides an analytical model that allows drivers to have real-time preventive information on the geo-referenced danger of their driving according to a series of variables such as: traffic, speed limits, environmental and weather conditions, dangerous roads and high accident risk routes.
Use case 2: Assisting traffic planners and transportation companies understand mobility activity in a city.
Real-time data analysis, if properly governed, will make the mobility system increasingly intelligent, sustainable and efficient (driver behavior, diagnostic information, bumps…).
It is now possible not only to identify the number of vehicles moving from a certain origin to a certain destination, for example, but also to associate many elements with each vehicle.
European excellence in satellite security systems that integrate the most modern telematic and IoT technologies to guarantee complete safety to the vehicle and its occupants on the market for Satellite Anti-theft systems, Insurance Telematics, FleetManagement and Big Data. From 2002 to today, it has grown to become one of the most solid economic realities in our country, boasting a presence, directly or through local distributors, in 60 countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America with over 800 employees.
About Mobito
Mobito enables businesses to benefit from the value of their own data and gain smart access to external data through a Data Marketplace. Mobito helps companies to create robust Data Products that smarter data exchange. The company is focused on streamlining the data exchange processes of discovery, selection, data access, transaction and legal sign-off. The offered data catalogue is tailored to the needs of the Insurance and Transportation Sectors and includes specialized Weather, Vehicles, Mobility and Infrastructure data. Mobito is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium